New Delhi: The BJP on Monday released its fourth list of candidates for the Madhya Pradesh assembly polls with Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan to contest again from his traditional seat of Budhni. The list of 57 candidates has some prominent names including Narottam Mishra, Govind Singh Rajput, Gopal Bhargava, Rajendra Shukla and Omprakash Sakhlecha.
The party’s list of candidates was released on the day the Election Commission announced the poll schedule in five states including Madhya Pradesh.
BJP releases a list of 57 candidates for the upcoming election in Madhya Pradesh.
CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan to contest from Budhni, State’s HM Narottam Mishra to contest from Datia, Gopal Bhargava from Rehli, Vishwas Sarang from Narela and Tulsiram Silavat to contest from Sanwer
— ANI (@ANI) October 9, 2023
Assembly polls will be held in Madhya Pradesh on November 17 and counting of votes will be held on December 3. The state has 230 assembly seats.
The BJP has made an early announcement of candidates for the assembly polls in Madhya Pradesh. The BJP released its first list of candidates for the Madhya Pradesh assembly elections on August 17 which had names of 39 candidates.
#ElectionSchedule | #BJP releases a list of 57 candidates for the upcoming election in Madhya Pradesh
CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan to contest from Budhni, State’s HM Narottam Mishra to contest from Datia
— DD News (@DDNewslive) October 9, 2023
The second list was released on September 25. The list featured three central ministers — Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of State (MoS) for Food Processing Industries Prahlad Singh Patel, and Minister of State for Rural Development and Steel Faggan Singh Kulatse–and four Lok Sabha MPs.
A day later, the party announced that Monika Batti will contest from Amarwara, a seat reserved for STs. She joined the BJP after leaving the Gondwana Gantantra Party.
Of the five states going to the polls, BJP is in power in Madhya Pradesh. Elections will also be held next month in Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Rajasthan and Mizoram and the counting of votes will take place on December 3.