New Delhi: Delhi Police on Wednesday shared a sarcastic post on Twitter that has become a talk on the social media platform. The post is about an advertisement for vacant rooms in jail.
According to the details available in the pamphlet, the police will provide free pick and drop in the government-sponsored vehicle. The police also mentioned in the post that the location of the rooms are very close to the ”Bars”
With the pamphlet, Delhi police wrote, ”Book your space. Possession soon. The living offer you certainly CAN resist!”
‘Book’ your space. Possession soon.
The living offer you certainly CAN resist!— Delhi Police (@DelhiPolice) May 25, 2022
According to the advertisement, one-room sets are available on sharing and individual basis.
Some of the facilities that one gets are as follows:
1. There are free beds and meals available.
2. Bathrooms and lavatories are shared.
3. Well-ventilated area (one can actually wave at the other occupants)
4. Campus security is provided by armed officers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Delhi Police is also offering recreation facilities that are as follows:
1. Television
2. The sports activity include avoid sprinting, running and high jumps, otherwise you might create a record
3. Room for music
Other features include:
Newspaper and magazine subscriptions are free.