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From Cow sanctuary to biogas for CNG: Yogi 2.0 draws up mega stray cattle plan

Yogi - cows

New Delhi: Yogi Adityanath government, in its second tenure, is set to unveil a mega roadmap for ‘rehabilitation’ of stray cattle as well as tackling the menace of abandoned animals. The move will also blunt the Opposition charge as the issue of stray cattle was one of the major poll planks in recently concluded Assembly elections.

As per Yogi govt’s ambitious plan for stray cows, reported by a leading daily, big shelters will be developed for housing close to 50,000 stray cattle which will be enhanced to about 1 lakh. Cow sanctuaries will be developed for providing them natural habitat, 50 mega cow shelters will be developed while the capacity of existing ones will be ramped up to house more cattles. The District Magistrates have also been roped in this plan to ensure its effective implementation. DMs have been entrusted with the responsibility of ensuing shelter for 10 cows each day, reported the daily.

As Yogi govt 2.0 settles down, this is one of the most comprehensive plan laid out for tackling the stray cattle menace. Also, this is not going to be a quick-fix method to resolve the issue and rather a long-term plan to rear the stray & displaced cattle. The menace of stray cattles exploded in the state as Yogi government in 2017 had banned many illegal slaughterhouses in the state.

This issue found strong resonance during campaign for 2022 Assembly polls. Opposition targeted the BJP govt for using ‘cows for politics’ and doing only lip-service than taking solid steps. PM Modi had also addressed the ‘Chutta Janwar’ during campaign and declared that effective steps would be taken after March 10.

Cowdung for CNG production, also grazing ground to be identified

In a bid to make the cowsheds & sanctuaries self-sufficient, plans have also been laid out for utilization of cow dung and setting up biogas plants. Under the plan, commercial use of cow dung would be encouraged. It will be used in generation of power, cooking gas and bio-fertilizer. Power generated by cow dung would be used to illuminate cowsheds while cow dungs would be purchased from farmers.

For making green fodder available for the cattle, more than 60,000 hectares of land would also be identified.

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