New Delhi: Lucknow Court on Monday sent famous Haryanvi dancer Sapna Chaudhary into custody. Sapna arrived in the capital city hiding from the media to abrogate her arrest warrant. She registered her presence in the court in ACJM 5 Shantanu Tyagi located in room number 204. Notably, a case against the Haryanvi dancer was registered in October 2018 in connection with fraud and breach of trust.
Sapna cancels signed programme
Sapna Chaudhary was scheduled to perform in a programme on October 13, 2018. The programme was about to start at 3 PM and end at 10 PM in Lucknow’s Smriti Upwan. However, Chaudhary did not arrive at the venue before the programme ends. Owing to this, the audience created a ruckus and demanded money back from the show organisers.
But, the organisers did not return the money. After this, a charge sheet was filed against the organisers Junaid Ahmad, Iwad Ali, Ratanakar Upadhya, and Amit Pandya. Therefore, a case was registered against Chaudhary and the organisers on October 14, 2018, at the capital’s Ashiana police station.
The court asked Spana to appear before it several times but she failed to do so. Finally, the court issued a non-bailable warrant against the dancer on August 23. On the matter, Spana did not reveal anything yet.
Sapna’s last Instagram post
On Instagram, Sapna shared her last 15 hours ago. In the post, she was seen grooving to ‘I love you Gori Re love you too piya ji’. Since being shared online, the post has received over 36 thousand likes, more than 2.5 lakh views and many comments.