Lucknow: Under the guidance of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the high-end preparations including hospitality, security arrangements, connectivity at MotoGP Bharat resulted in gathering of more than one lakh people from India and around the world at the Greater Noida-based Buddh International Circuit for the much-anticipated event hosted by India for the first time. The event also did a record business of Euro 106 million (Rs 9,337,646,000).
As per available information, intense economic activities took place during the three day event leading to the business of a whopping Rs 9.3 billion. It’s worth noting that during the MotoGP, Moto 2, and Moto 3 races held at the Buddh International Circuit from September 22 to 24, 82 riders from 41 teams around the world enthralled Indian fans with their speed.
Record number of visitors arrived at MotoGP Bharat
More than one lakh visitors came to the Buddha International Circuit in Gautam Budh Nagar of Uttar Pradesh to experience the thrill of the high-profile race that took place in India for the first time. The one lakh visitors included around 10,000 to 15,000 foreign visitors.
The record visits are being attributed to the massive arrangements that the Yogi government made to welcome and ensure enjoyable stay of the visitors and representatives of various international brands during the three-day event in Greater Noida.
More than 50,000 visitors attended the event to watch the final race
It is worth mentioning that there was a huge crowd of visitors on all days between September 22 and 24. Most visitors were present on the day of the final race of Moto GP in which Marco Bezzecchi won. Around 50,000 visitors witnessed the exciting race and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath presenting the trophy to Marco Bezzecchi.
On the second day, nearly 30,000 visitors watched the race, while on Friday, around 15,000 visitors made their way to the venue. Besides, thousands of visitors had reached the venue on September 21 to watch the practice race.
Additionally, there were more than 5,000 foreign staff members present at the Buddh International Circuit with the teams, and around 150 international and national media personnel were also there to cover the event.
Economic activities worth billions of rupees were conducted
According to available information, during this global event, economic activities worth more than 106 million euros (equivalent to more than Rs 9.3 billion) were conducted through various means. This includes a significant investment of Rs 50 crores in track development and basic infrastructure.
Notably, the benefits of these economic activities have been seen in various sectors in Greater Noida, including the hotel industry, restaurants, transportation, and hospitality, among others. The far-reaching consequences of this event are yet to be seen, as many major brands are considering expanding their investments in Uttar Pradesh following CM Yogi’s appeal, and the success of MotoGP could play a significant role in this.