New Delhi: New and flabbergasting details have emerged in the ongoing police investigation in the Lucknow PUBG murder case, where the minor accused allegedly deleted the call details and Whatsapp chats from his mother Sadhna Singh’s mobile.
Surprisingly, his intention behind the act was not to defend himself but to protect the family member who was instructing him to kill his own mother. Also, this was an easy way for the police to reach the main culprit.
Here’s what we know
On the night of June 7, apart from victim’s body, her mobile was also seized by the police. After the phone was unlocked, the police found several details to be missing.
The 16-year-old teenage boy attempted to walk a step ahead of the police. According to the son’s statement, on late-night of June 4, he had killed his mother Sadhna. The mobile on which the involved suspect was giving directions to him belonged to Sadhna.
The police have got information that the minor son had a mobile, though it was not recharged for over a month.
Some news reports also suggest that the suspect was manipulating the teen against his own mother on Whatsapp call since he knew that the details of the calls made not the platform could not be found.
However, the calls can be detected if the particular device is found, therefore at the conspirator’s behest, the minor deleted the entire data of that day.
Father’s reaction in the case
After the incident, Sadhna’s husband Naveen had said that he wanted the son to remain in jail for the rest of his life, but soon after lighting the pyre of his wife, he started talking about trying to save his son.
He also talked to political leader from his region to get an early bail to the son, but the leader refused to plead for the release of the minor accused of killing the woman. After this Naveen reportedly contacted many other lawyers.