New Delhi: Tension has gripped Bhilwara town of Rajasthan as two youths belonging to a community were attacked by unknown persons late last night and their bike was set ablaze. The incident happened in Sangener of Bhilwara, when the youth were having food. The police is on high alert following the attack and internet services have been suspended for 24 hours in the town.
Bhilwara District collector Ashish Modi has made an appeal to people to not pay heed to rumours and hearsay and said that security mechanisms are in place to avert any disorder.
“We are probing the case. We are also checking the nearby CCTV footage. One person has received very minor injuries while other sustained minor head injuries and is in a stable condition.,” Ashish Modi, District Collector, Bhilwara said.
Rajasthan | An incident was reported in the Sanganer area of Bhilwara last night in which two persons were attacked by some unknown people when they were having food. Their bike was also set ablaze. We are investigating the matter: Ashish Modi, District Collector Bhilwara
— ANI MP/CG/Rajasthan (@ANI_MP_CG_RJ) May 5, 2022
The incident assumes significance as it comes in the backdrop of communal clashes in Jodhpur. The city has been on the boil after people from two communities engaged in violent fight over removal & installation of a religious flag, a night before Eid celebrations.
The city continues to remain under curfew, with heavy deployment of police forces at sensitive areas. Situation is currently under control.
The violence in Jodhpur broke out on the intervening night of Monday & Tuesday as a group of people tried to forcefully install Islamic flag at the Jalori gate circle, leaving other community infuriated. This prompted stone-pelting from both sides while shops, vehicles & houses were attacked with stones during the violent clashes.
Till now, more than 140 people have taken into custody for indulging in arson & vandalism.