New Delhi: Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will inform the Parliament about the tragic chopper crash in Coonoor of Tamil Nadu. The VIP chopper crash-landed while it was carrying top Army officers including CDS Bipin Rawat.
The unfortunate incident happened while the CDS Rawat was on its way to Defence Services College (DSC) at Wellington.
The Indian Air Force has issued a list of names of General Rawat’s staff who were also on-board the crashed chopper. The names include CDS General Bipin Rawat, his wife Madhulika Rawat, Brigadier LS Lidder, Lieutenant Colonel Harjinder Singh, NK Gursewak Singh, NK Jitendra Kumar, L/NK Vivek Kumar, L/NK B Sai Teja and Hav Satpal.
The Indian Air Force earlier confirmed that the CDS was on- board an IAF Mi-17V5 helicopter that met with an accident earlier today near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. The IAF has ordered an inquiry into the accident.
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