New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday achieved yet another benchmark of testing as many as 5 crore samples for novel coronavirus infection. Testing an average 3 lakh samples daily, Uttar Pradesh became the first state in the country to cross the milestone.
Intensifying preventive measures to control the spread of Covid-19 as per the target of ‘Test, Trace and Treat’, the Yogi-led state conducted a total of 3,31,511 tests in the last 24 hours, out of which nearly 1500 samples tested positive.
Despite being the most populous state in the country, Uttar Pradesh has outperformed all other states including Delhi, Maharashtra and Rajasthan by conducting a total of 1.50 lakh RT-PCR tests on an average daily.
Testing is the backbone for curbing the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 as it helps early detection of cases and their isolation and contact tracing. A widely deployed and efficient testing strategy in Uttar Pradesh has helped in limiting the spread of new cases as it significantly reduced the chance of individuals with undetected virus exposure from roaming freely among unexposed individuals.
Active Cases decline by 93 percent from its peak
For the first time in nearly two months, amid the second wave surge of Covid-19 cases in the state, the number of active cases has sharply declined by a significant 93 percent from its peak on April 30.
The Active Covid cases in the densely populated state of 240 million are now below thirty thousand since its peak which was capped on April 30. The figure has shown a remarkable reduction by falling to just 28,694 on Tuesday from a high of 3,10,783 in April.
Recovery Rate in Uttar Pradesh zooms to 97.1%
With the consistent recovery of Covid patients in the state, the containment zones have also been reduced to just 13,702 now.
With this robust sign, the state’s recovery rate has surpassed 97 percent testifying the success of the ‘Yogi Model’ in taming the raging disease that has also been acknowledged and praised by experts nationally and globally.
The daily Covid positivity rate — the number of positive cases against the total tests done — on Tuesday dipped to 0.45 percent in Uttar Pradesh and has been below 1 percent for more than a week now.
This rate was at its highest at 16.84 percent on April 24.