New Delhi: In the latest development, Jagan Mohan Reddy-led YSRCP and Naveen Patnaik-led BJD have decided to support Jagdeep Dhankar in the vice presidential election on Sunday. The latest development came just a day after the BJP-led NDA announced Dhankar to be its candidate for the election.
Our leader Jagan Mohan Reddy has decided to support NDA’s vice presidential nominee Jagdeep Dhankhar: YSRCP leader Vijayasai Reddy tells PTI
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) July 17, 2022
The election for the post will be held on August 6. However, the last date filing the nomination for the election is scheduled for July 19. The scrutiny of the nomination paper is scheduled to be held on July 20. A candidate who wants to withdraw his/her nomination paper can do it by July 22.
The current vice president, M Venkaiah Naidu will be retiring from his post on August 10. As per the rule, his successor or the winning candidate in the election takes oath for the post the next post.
The oath-taking ceremony will be done on August 11.
Dhankar to take on Margaret Alva
Notably, the Congress-led UPA on Sunday announced Margaret Alva to be its candidate in the election. She will be contesting the election against Dhankar on 10 and the result is expected to come on the same date.
Dhankar has been in BJP for years while Alva is in Congress since the year arrond 1974.