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Are you skipping dinner daily? Check out some major side effect

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New Delhi: Did you know that skipping dinner daily is more harmful to your body than you might have ever imagined.

Skipping dinner daily or on regular basis can land you in trouble with several side effects.

It’s easy to escape your dinner and go directly to the bed, but if this continues for a longer period of time than it can have a negative impact on health.

You might have heard of the saying, ‘ have breakfast like an emperor and eat your dinner like a beggar,’ but this doesn’t mean that you skip your dinner and go to sleep.

Over the period of time, escaping meal has become new normal-with people following several diet trends in order to loose weight.

How does skipping dinner effect our body?

According to the experts, skipping dinner or missing out dinner on daily basis can affect the sleep and overall health of the person. Weather you are doing it intentionally or un-intentionally doing this regularly can lead to poor sleep quality which is connected with several health problems in the long run. So it is important to eat a proper balanced dinner to ensure that the body is not deprived of nutrients or essential calories.

It is said that a little lack of calorie may not be that bad; but if this increases then it goes into extreme conditions, like hunger can make the individual wake up at night and make it harder to fall asleep. Also,  getting adequate number of calories is important to produce serotonin and melatonin that are the sleep-regulating hormones.

According to the Nutrients Journal, it is said that nutrient deficiency may push the insufficient sleep and sleep disorders into an extreme cases – vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common one.

Also, Sleep deprivation may have an adverse effect on immunity, individual’s mood, energy, and metabolism.



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