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Experts Suggest to Celebrate an Eco-Friendly Diwali to Combat Air-Pollution

New Delhi: As the whole Nation is gearing up for the Biggest Festival which is less than a month away, Health Experts warn of some serious consequences from the toxic air pollution that becomes active during the festival of Diwali along with stubble burning. The Air Quality Index deteriorates every day and it becomes difficult for most of the citizens to breathe especially when they step out of their houses for work. The smoke of the Firecrackers and from stubble burning not only harms your lungs, it also poses great damage to your eyes, nose and throat.


Here are some useful Tips by Health Experts to save yourself from the Hazardous effects of Air-Pollution-

• Make sure you check the Pollution Forecast before you step out of your house so that you can carry necessary items like a Mask or an Inhaler

• If the AQI level is high and it’s necessary to step out then try to stay indoors.
• Avoid Garbage burning in the Open Ground as it gives invitation to severe toxic pollution blocking your ability to breathe

• Avoid using Firecrackers during Diwali as this leads to polluting the air badly and also results in Noise Pollution.

• If the AQI level is high, then avoid going out for Physical activities.

• If you need to visit someone near your house or market, then avoid using your vehicle, rather try to walk down to the location.

• A must carry thing around this time is carrying a mask. You must carry a mask whenever you step out. This will save you from inhaling maximum Pollutants from the air.

• Keep indoor plants as they are the best source of oxygen and also helps in filtering fresh air.

• You can keep indoor plants like a Snake Plant, Bamboo Palm, Aloe Vera, Peace Lilly, Golden Pothos etc
• Try to spent an Eco Friendly and also encourage your friends and Family Members to celebrate an Eco Friendly Diwali as it will lead to Less Pollution.


• Try to ask the Senior members and kids of the family to stay indoors when the AQI is high, as senior citizens and kids are prone to fall sick

By following these simple health advice, you can prevent yourself from the Toxic Air Pollution and enjoy the festival with Full spirit.

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