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Favouritism In Office? Here is how it affects your work environment

favouritism at work place? Here is everything you need to know about it and how can this be harmful.

Office staff

New Delhi: If you are the Human Resource (HR) of the company, Boss, someone who is in the leadership position or a company employee, it is very much important to understand what is favouritism at the workplace and what does it mean.

If you are following the concept of favouritism, then make sure that this practice can causes an awkward and biased situations for the concerned person.

In this article, we will tell you how favouritism works and how it can become harmful for the office environment. This will help you determine if such things are being practiced in your workplace.

What is favouritism at workplace?

Favouritism at workplace can be defined as a situation where someone in a leadership position show favour towards one employee over others.

How can this be a disadvantage?

Favouritism can cause several disadvantages and can also harm the office environment. Check out some of the disadvantages that has been listed below-

# In case your managers is favouring one of your coworker, then there is no doubt that the others in the team become resentful towards the manager and also towards the coworker.

# If the manager openly favours one employee above everyone else, he/she may lose respect for their leader.

# There is no doubt that the other employees will not receive praise or special perks due to favouritism no matter how hard the team works. This will result to decrease in motivation and productivity.

# When managers or the person in the leadership position favour one, there are chances that the other employees start hunting for new job and leaving the organisation.

Signs of Favouritism

# Talking, chatting, giggling, gossiping with only one or the favoured employee.

# When the leader is not ready to listen anything against the favoured person’s, instead tries to cover it up or starts finding fault of others.

# Assigning or giving opportunity only to certain employees.

# Reviewing, certain employees’ work more quickly than others.’

#  Leaders taking sides of certain employees at work can raise conflicts at workplace.