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How to forget past baggage

The most difficult thing one may find is to forget all the baggage and give themselves a new chance. Here are a few ways which will help you get rid of your past traumas.

New Delhi: Life is a roller coaster ride. Sometimes we enjoy the ride, other times we don’t. But one thing is for sure nothing is permanent.

With every passage of time our circumstances change. Almost all of us went love hunting once. Some turned out to be good and others became the reason for our trust issues and pain. It is difficult to let go of those emotions which you have cumulated in your heart over the past so many years but necessary to forget because at times when we don’t heal ourselves properly, we end up destroying and hurting people who have the purest intentions for us.

The most difficult thing one may find is to forget all the baggage and give themselves a new chance. Here are a few ways which will help you get rid of you past tarumas:

1. Learn from the past: Hardest yet the easiest one. Past cannot be unchanged and it happened because it had a lesson for us instead of being bogged down try to be a better and carefree person.

2. Let Go Of Repeating Thoughts: Our mind somewhere keeps reminding us of the same memories when we encounter or try to make new memories and we start questioning the same incidents again. Just remember every person is not the same. 

3. Don’t control your emotions: Sometimes we control our emotions and try to be strong for a long period of time it may not affect us in the short run but in long run, it makes us weak and less vulnerable.

Man wearing a backpack.

4. Stop self-blaming: Sometimes when things don’t work in our favour we self-doubting ourselves and start dwelling on our negative points.

Always remember the fact that how a person treats you is just a reflection of them and not you. We cannot control someone’s actions. More over life never comes with a guarantee card there is always a risk.