New Delhi: Actress Parineeti Chopra has come up with a brighter version of Yashraj Mukhate’s ‘biggini shoot’ song as she slayed in a hot neon swim dress in the Maldives. While fans await fer upcoming action thriller Code Name Tiranga alongside Hardy Sandhu, diva is giving sleepless nights to her fans as she gave glimpses of her vacation in Bollywood’s favourite destination.
In her latest post, Chopra can be seen looking away from the camera with a sly smile donning a stunning pair of beachwear by the seashore. She wore a bright neon colour bikini set in contrast to the deep blue sky and widespread ocean behind her.
The high waist bottom goes well with a strapless top and tie-up notch at the front. She left her curls tied up in a messy bun and wore only a pair of sunglasses for accessories.
Parineeti shared the picture on Instagram with caption, “biggini shoot”.
However, this isn’t the first time diva showed off her ‘out of ordinary’ bikini collection, but her wardrobe have other stunning surprises as well.
Earlier, she had flaunted her most casual and chic bikini look ever as she donned a brown bikini set, letting hair wet hair down while peeping into the camera place on the beach ground.
In an another video clip posted by the actor, she turned a mermaid in a musturd yellow bikini with sky blue straps, quietly floating over the water with closed eyes.