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Some unheard pros and cons of female contraceptive pills

More than 65% of women use this method to avoid pregnancy today.

New Delhi: Hormonal contraceptives when properly used can be most effective in spacing methods, and 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. More than 65% of women use this method to avoid pregnancy today.

The pill is given orally generally for 21 consecutive days on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle followed by a break of 7 days during which periods occur.

These pills are available in different brands and pricing at present and are generally available on a valid prescription only.

Adverse effects


Egg. Some Progestogen-only pills contain desogestrel which prevents ovulation. This means no egg is fertilized.


Pros– It can be taken while breastfeeding,

Cons– Time boundation


Centchroman (Ormeloxifene) : Ormeloxifene is one of the selective estrogen receptor modulator or SERM method.It is taken once a week. The exact mechanism is not.

It has a failure rate of 1or 2% out of 100.


Pros: Non-Hormonal

·         Easy to use (once a week)

·         Safe for breastfeeding mothers

Cons: Absent Menses

Scanty bleeding during menses


Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs) – Emergency Contraceptive Pills are the way to protect against unwanted sex and pregnancy. This pill is consumed up to 120 hours (5 days) of having unprotected sex.

Pros: Can be used in emergency

·         Only a single dose is enough


Cons: Nausea

·         Vomiting

·         Higher chances of failure compared to others.


Intrauterine devices: T-shaped plastic which is placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. This is a reversible process.

Pros: Cost-Effective

·         Last usually till 3 to 12 years, depending upon the type.

·          Convenient

Cons: Rarely found

·         Insertion can be painful

·         Don’t protect from STI


·  Transdermal Patches: You wear patches on certain parts of the body and release hormones through the skin.

Cons:  Skin Reaction

Pros: It can be applied on the lower or upper abdomen excluding the breast.


 *Barrier methods: They include a condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, and contraceptive sponge

Pros: Prevents STIS

Cons– Not easily available


·  Female sterilization or  Tubal ligation: This is a female surgical method that permanently blocks eggs to meet sperm.

Pros–  Does not affect sex drive and hormone levels.

Cons– Cannot be reversed if the surgery goes wrong.