New Delhi: Khushi Kapoor first made the headlines when she was featured in the official cast of the upcoming Archies, a venture with which the diva is set to make her Bollywood Debut. Amidst a massive buzz around the Hindi adaptation of popular comic series Archies, Kapoor often sets mercury levels soaring with her Instagram post in fab outfits and styles.
While the diva is mostly papped in chic western attires and fusion street fashion, her ethnic choices are no less stunning though remain lesser known.
Here, we have brought three different desi looks of Khushi Kapoor from the memory lane for all the beau ladies out there to take note:
# Pink is indeed the ultimate charming colour among the Indian attires consisting of a charming streak about it. Kapoor can be seen featuring a gorgeous pink lehenga here with adorning embroidery. Dangling silver and pearl earrings paired up with the outfit complemented the look along with glowy makeup.
# A staggering Arpita Mehta designed lehenga is sassy from all angles, but what takes your breath away is the metallic backless blouse with a sensul touch to the desi look. The actor paired the bright yellow lehenga with dangling ear loops and metallic makeup.
Anita Dongre’s indo-western lehenga is a living example of how a fusion work can do wonders despite it being utterly simple. The outfit consists of white and blue shades with a delicate embroidery. The lehenga skirt goes in wavy layers paired with a sheer crop top while a pair of dangling earrings and panel neckpiece complemented the ethnic look.