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Tourism & Hospitality: Make Dec 2020 most productive month of the year with this Astro Strategy

You can Plan your DIGITAL and PRINT marketing STRATEGY around the suggested dates to increase visibility & certainty in getting more leads, more probable clients and chances of sale.

Tourism & Hospitality

Tourism & Hospitality

Monthly Strategy Calendar and Important Dates for Tourism and Hospitality Industry: December 2020

Who doesn’t want to experience success in business?⁣

But, are you truly doing the right things to get there? ⁣⁣

In fact, ⁣⁣without an actionable strategy, NOTHING is possible. ⁣⁣

Yes, you heard it right.

And, with ASTRO STRATEGY, EVERYTHING is possible.⁣⁣

Last year, the Hospitality and Tourism Industry was one of the key drivers of growth among the service sectors and had become a huge sector for employment & career.

This time in 2020, since this industry is also slowly gathering momentum, whether December would turn out to be a favourable month for travel agencies, tour operators, hotel owners, hospitality chains – this needs to be answered and addressed!

Hirav Shah is the top influencer and advisor in numerous fields like Real Estate, Sports, Entertainment, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tourism, Hospitality, Corporate Business, Politics & more. While they benefit immensely from Hirav’s suggestions and follow the plan of action laid out by him, they also keenly look forward to his ‘Monthly Strategy Calendars’ which he releases every month.

Hirav Shah’s answers have always proven to be game-changers across all sectors since he mixes Business Principles with Astrology and brings strategic solutions to the table which is unique, extraordinary and distinctive.

What makes these Monthly Strategy Calendars special is the fact that it features moon signs, lucky dates and avoid dates.

Hirav puts in a lot of effort to chalk out these calendars every month. He uses a blend of his expertise to ensure that every detail laid down in these calendars is accurate.

“I wanted to do something that would benefit a large number of people without them having to pay anything. That is how I came up with the idea for these calendars. The encouraging response that I get for these calendars is what keeps me going”, Business Astrologer Hirav Shah says.

You can Plan your DIGITAL and PRINT marketing STRATEGY around the suggested dates to increase visibility & certainty in getting more leads, more probable clients and chances of sale.

Also holding client MEETINGS and approaching them on favorable DATES will make conversion possible and bring SUCCESS on your side.

Ace in your endeavors by doing the RIGHT THING, at the RIGHT TIME.

Hirav Shah throws some light here on, what the last month of 2020 has in store for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry!

Hence, plant the seeds now for your future, and focus on investing energy on the habits, that will help you achieve results you really want.⁣⁣

Just make sure your business strategy in terms of Brand, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Mergers, Diversification etc…is still on track to help you reach your goals.

Use this most helpful strategy calendar as your Lucky Charm and Guide says Astro Strategist Hirav Shah.

It’s time to fire up !!

Wishing Tourism and Hospitality Industry A Fruitful and strategically productive December 2020!