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World Health Day: 5 lifestyle-incurred deficiencies that you must measure regularly

World Health Day -

New Delhi: April 7 marks the celebration of World Health Day every year. This is one day of the year when one should take a break from the fast-paced life of the new era, we are living in and re-assess whether we are taking due care of our health and are we following all parameters of healthy living.

The modern age human is much aware, than his predecessors, of healthy living & what all goes into keeping oneself fit. From eating right to attaining a good 8-hour sleep to exercising regularly & de-stressing oneself are something which every aware person is following.

However, there are certain flip side to modern age living. Owing to lifestyle changes, human body has become prone to several deficiencies in today’s age.

Given the amount of awareness & information in public domain, it incurs upon us to keep oneself abreast with basic physical ailments & keep getting ourselves screened at regular intervals.

Here are 5 health parameters that you must keep a tab on regularly

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) means the ratio of one’s height to body weight. Depending on your BMI index, one is considered overweight or underweight. As being obese has turned to be one of the biggest health hazard, one can keep checking his/her BMI index to keep oneself fitter & healthier. A balanced BMI protects person from risks of heart attack/diabetes & many more.

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure forms an essential component of healthy life. Though, slight variation doesn’t create any trouble but any big change can be life-threatening. Therefore, one should keep getting it screened at regular intervals.


Cholesterol is a harmful substance that accumulates in your body & its elevated levels is directly linked to stroke or heart attack. It blocks the blood flow in arteries and leads to attack. One should keep it under check & adopt health lifestyle to keep it under control.


Thyroid is a quintessential hormone in human body, whose deficiency or abundance in body can led to complications. Especially, women should be more careful & wary of it as it may lead to sudden weight gain & if untreated, further complications.

Vitamin D

This is one vital element that is registering sharp drop in those living in cities. Since this is essential for healthy bones & body immunity, its deficiency leads to complications. One should keep getting it checked regularly and take supplements as & how prescribed, as normal Vitamin D has almost stopped due to lack of exposure to sunlight.

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