New Delhi: Leg spinner Yuzvendra Chahal, who tied the knot with Dhanashree Verma on Tuesday, took to his social media to share the “engagement day” pictures with his partner on Wednesday. “Everything was just so beautiful Engagement day #DhanaSaidYuz,” Chahal captioned the pictures on Instagram
Earlier, Chahal shared the photo from his wedding on Twitter, captioning the post as: “22.12.20. We started at “Once Upon A Time” and found “Our Happily Ever After,” coz’ finally, #DhanaSaidYuz for infinity and beyond.”
Chahal was last seen in action in the recent white-ball series against Australia. In the three-match T20I series, he managed to take four wickets and he was also adjudged as Man of the Match in the first T20I.
Before the T20I series, he played the first two ODIs of the three-match series against Australia, managing to scalp just one wicket.
In the 15 matches for Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) in this year’s Indian Premier League (IPL), Chahal finished with 21 wickets at an economy rate of 7.67.
The 30-year-old has played 54 ODIs and 45 T20Is for the Men in Blue, managing to scalp 151 wickets across both formats.
Chahal would most probably be next seen in action in the upcoming ODI and T20I series against England next year.