New Delhi: Multiple websites operated by news media outlets were giving error messages on Tuesday morning. Media houses like the Financial Times, the New York Times and Bloomberg News were down across the globe.
The UK Government website – – was also not working, giving the error message “Error 503 Service Unavailable”.
The Guardian tweeted: “The Guardian’s website and app are currently being affected by a wider internet outage and will be back as soon as possible”
Other websites affected included the online discussion platform Reddit, Pinterest, Twitch
CDN outage
The first reports of today’s outage came happened just after 5:30am EDT, according to Down Detector.
While some websites have come back online, including TechRadar, we’re still seeing that some websites continue to display 503 errors.
Among the sites that saw issues or outages were:
- TechRadar
- Amazon
- eBay
- Etsy
- PayPal
- Vimeo
- Square
- Squarespace
- Giphy
Fastly first raised the alarm at 09:58 UTC, noting, “We’re currently investigating potential impact to performance with our CDN services.”