New Delhi: Captain Shubham Gupta who lost his life during an encounter between security forces in Jammu Kashmir’s Rajouri district left with an unfulfilled promise. He spoke to his father on a call last time when he promised to return after finishing some pending work. He was posted in Jammu and Kashmir. Four army personnel including two captains lost their life in the encounter. He was the eldest son of his family, he promised his father that he would come back after Diwali and would stay with them for a week. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also visited his family in Agra.
Agra will never forget Captain Shubham Gupta who lost his life during encounter
New Delhi: Captain Shubham Gupta who lost his life during an encounter between security forces in Jammu Kashmir’s Rajouri district left with an unfulfilled promise. He spoke to his father on a call last time when he promised to return after finishing some pending work. He was posted in Jammu and Kashmir. Four army personnel …
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