New Delhi: The star cast of the action thriller television series ‘ The Freelancer shares some of the memorable and tough moments during the making of the film. The film stars Mohit Raina, Anupam Kher, Kashmira Pardeshi and others. The film is all set to stream on December 15th. The series is based on the Book, A Ticket to Syria by Shirish Thorat. The makers of the film hosted a special event in Mumbai and discussed their experiences during the shoot of the film. Veteran actor Anupam Kher said, when i am working with Neeraj, i completely give myself to him. I just do that, and he makes my job easy.
Cast of the The Freelancer: How they prepared for their role and challenges
New Delhi: The star cast of the action thriller television series ‘ The Freelancer shares some of the memorable and tough moments during the making of the film. The film stars Mohit Raina, Anupam Kher, Kashmira Pardeshi and others. The film is all set to stream on December 15th. The series is based on the …
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