New Delhi: Election Commission granted the national party status to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in their recent notification. On the other hand, the national party status of TMC, NCP and CPI (M) was taken away. A party can become a national party if it is a state party in four or more states, or wins 2 percent or more Lok Sabha seats in three states, or apart from getting 4 Lok Sabha seats, a party gets 6 percent votes in at least four states. Being a national party has various advantages like having more star campaigners and the amount spent is added to the party’s expenditure. Other advantages include a national party’s symbol that cannot be used by any other party, getting free voter’s lists and getting government land for party office.
How a party becomes national party, what are advantages?
New Delhi: Election Commission granted the national party status to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in their recent notification. On the other hand, the national party status of TMC, NCP and CPI (M) was taken away. A party can become a national party if it is a state party in four or more states, or wins …
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