New Delhi: Dharmapuri Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) MLA SP Venkateshwaran asked the Tamil Nadu government to ban the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) from IPL. The MLA believes that despite having Chennai in their name, the team is not giving chance to native players, so it should be banned. This led to a discourse during the discussion on the Sports Budget of the state. He told the media that the team is presenting as they represent Tamil Nadu, but there are no players from the state. S.P. Velumani also asked for free tickets for MLAs and claimed that earlier MLAs used to get free IPL tickets.
Ruckus in Tamil Nadu Assembly as PMK MLA demands ban on CSK
New Delhi: Dharmapuri Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) MLA SP Venkateshwaran asked the Tamil Nadu government to ban the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) from IPL. The MLA believes that despite having Chennai in their name, the team is not giving chance to native players, so it should be banned. This led to a discourse during the …
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