New Delhi: A day after pro-Khalistani activists pulled down India’s national flag on Sunday, the Indian High Commission in London then responded with a bigger tricolor. The video of the incident which was shared widely on social media shows the Indian High Commission rescuing the tricolour from a radical Sikh activist and throwing out the Khalistani flag.
The Officials involved in the mission said their attempt failed attack had been foiled and that the tricolour is now flying “grander”.
The official was lauded for throwing away a Khalistani flag from a protester who was seen hanging off the ledge of the first-floor window.
⚡️Kahlstani extremists tried to vandalise Indian High Commission in London, UK in support of fugitive #AmritpalSingh . India takes strong objection.
UK high commissioner to India Alex Ellis denounces the disgraceful
— Megh Updates ?™ (@MeghUpdates) March 19, 2023
The protestors were heard raising slogans like- WeWantJustice, FreeAmritpalSingh, and WeStandWithAmritpalSingh.
An Indian diplomat confronts a Khalistani clown, takes back the Indian flag pulled down by a mob that attacked the Indian High Commission in London to protest legal action taken against a militant Sikh secessionist in India.
A larger tricolour has now replaced the previous one.
— Sonam Mahajan (@AsYouNotWish) March 19, 2023
This brave Indian High Commission official deserves all the accolades for bravely taking on the #Khalistani elements who tried to take down our Indian flag ??
Heartbreaking to see the terror attack on our High Commission in London. It needs to be taken up at the highest level!— Tehseen Poonawalla Official ?? (@tehseenp) March 19, 2023
Following this incident, the Indian High Commission, and the UK High Commissioner to India, Alex Ellis, tweeted his condemnation of the events.
I condemn the disgraceful acts today against the people and premises of the @HCI_London – totally unacceptable.
— Alex Ellis (@AlexWEllis) March 19, 2023