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HD 45166: Know everything about the mysterious star bound to become strongest magnet of the Universe

New Delhi: Astronomers have recently spotted one of the most strange objects in our universe which is on its way to becoming the most powerful magnet to ever exist.

The Discovery of the fascinating star named HD 45166 came as a milestone in the field of space exploration as the unusual celestial body holds a number of mysteries in itself.

HD 45166’s mysteries

HD 45166, which is a helium-based star, is present almost 3,000 light years away from our planet and is slightly bigger than the Sun. As it is part of a binary system, another star also circles around its orbit.

What’s super fascinating about this massive star is its super strong stellar magnetic field which is approximately around 43,000 Gauss. This makes the star one of the strongest magnets of our entire universe as no other celestial object having a stronger magnetic field has been discovered by mankind so far.

Researchers have also estimated that unlike most helium-based stars, which are formed by the evolution of red giants, HD 45166 came into existence through the collision of a number of medium-massed stars.

Amused by HD’s enormous gravity, Pablo Merchant, who is one of the leading authors of the study published in the journal Science, said that the star’s entire surface is as magnetic as the strongest man-made magnet.

Other than its gigantic magnetic field, what intrigues the astronomers about this supermassive star are the cosmic events that are projected to take place during its death.

As per the astronomer’s claims, when HD 45166 will inch towards its death by exploding and then slowly turning into a super dense neutron star, its magnetic field will increase by around 100 trillion gausses and make it the strongest magnet in the universe.

About Megnatars

Megnatars are the most strongest and magnetic bodies that are known to exist in our infinite universe. Their magnetic might is so overwhelming that if they had been as close as the moon is to us, they would have wiped every existing credit card present on the earth.

Although scientists have only discovered 31 of these super intriguing giant stars so far, it is believed that there are millions of them out there in the gloomy void of our dark and mysterious universe.

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