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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (November 22)

Message of the Day – By Renooji


“Don’t be the gloom and doom.”

To reflect only on the negative patterns of the self and the negative behaviour of others leads us only to the death of the healing happy self. We have to lead ourselves to understand that in the core of our heart lives a spiritual truth, where we can truly express our inherent light. We connect to our bright and illuminating nature free of all fixed repetitive thoughts and actions. Turning our attention within and allowing the goodness to dominate all the illusory truths that we thought were real and in this realised moment healing them immediately. Reflection slowly brings us to a space of wisdom and our real self emerges, not only ready but also willing to heal again and again. Healing hugs of strong concrete blessings. Love from the ocean of strength and resolve.

Absorb the light.

Throat chakra- the bluish light of permanence anointing the self.
Back thymus chakra- the sphere of healing light completely healing all anger.
Knee chakras- shining light and healing grace completely healing the fear.

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