Message of the Day – By Renooji
The hostile war!
We must connect to our ignorance and uproot it instantly to have the fearlessness to negotiate life and death. It is only healing and meditation that are an efficient way to keep life goals in healing consciousness. Slowly purify your life and at the right time prepare to recognise who you really are and how to resolve all the hostile parts of the self. The posture that we take, as we connect to our tree of life, on the ground and in the sky; in Heaven and on Earth; the gift of healing helping us to undertake the healing journey in the now. Finding the stability to change your mind, with confidence to live where the light lives. Know that healing is the road to enlightenment. Experience and taste the flavours of your healing plan and unfold your light. Healing hugs of the light of truth. Love from the corridors of light.
The action I can take.
Take two fruits and share them with someone you have never given anything to before. Then come back home and drink tea.