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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (April 2)


Message of the Day – By Renooji


Meditation -Two

This meditation is about your inner heart, the higher self esteem and the consciousness with spiritual awareness aligning with your soul. Connect to the spiritual power of bliss and invite this joy into your heart. See the heart as a pink bud, gently unfurling and opening like a lotus flower. Connect to your breath and exceptionally higher vibrations of a green light which begin to emit from around the unfurling lotus. The green light is gently and slowly wrapping itself around your body and gently spreading upon the body of Mother Earth . As your soul experiences a higher state of being healed; you are connecting to your human Intelligence. A priceless gift of the unfurling lotus of intelligence and soul wisdom is being gifted to you right now. Share this happiness with others. It is more intelligent and blissful to give than to receive. See the pink lotus blossomed and know that you have more love to share. Healing hugs of great togetherness in the light. Love from the lake of pink lotus blossoms.

The Higher Crown Chakra.
The Heart Chakra.
Engage with these chakras to benefit your heart desires and heart consciousness. See love and the golden light everywhere.

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