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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (August 26)

Healing things one day at a time, know that being on the path is great and loving the self is most important

Astro, Astrology,Horoscope, Daily Aura, Message, sunsign

Just healing!

Chakra- Third Eye
Colour – Purple/Lilac/Gold/
Healing – The Mega Controlling Intuitive Unfolded Light.

The inner eye is always seeing the visions from here and there to enlighten us about how our life will unfold; or how we should take the knowledge and embark on our life ahead. Healing is a gentle but fierce tool designed to reinforce and help us to reconnect with and illuminate us from the depth of our soul. Healing is revolutionary and goes directly to the root of our pain, the pain that started in all our previous lifetimes. As a process of self-love, intuition and healing; we are empowered to dig deep and unearth our wounds, hurts and pains; healing them to see our real self with new eyes. Today, affirm that you are free and completely empowered to communicate with your personal desires and unfold the happiness that you are born to experience. Healing things one day at a time, know that being on the path is great and loving the self is most important. Healing hugs of the greatest vision. Love from the millions of eyes watching out for you.

The intentions are right, the affirmations divine, the attraction the same, the magnetism growing and the healing action sublime. Just stay and heal to relax and invite auspicious contentment into your aura and your destiny.

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