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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (August 27)

The intentions are right, the affirmations divine, the attraction the same, the magnetism growing and the healing action sublime.

Astro, Astrology,Horoscope, Daily Aura, Message, sunsign


Just healing!

Chakra- Ears
Color – Blue/ Purple/Gold
Healing – Hearing/ Listening/ Conversations.

Silence is a vital part of our spiritual travel, as our meditating self honours the vital aspects of our spiritual journey to the light. The need to embrace and explore all aspects of the self and our inner conversations with the self. Healing makes us aware of the uncomfortable aspects of our self and all that we still have to address and heal. When we are healing in the realm of silence, we are truly addressing all those parts of our self that are hidden by the material mind. We heal to explore, to address the uncomfortable parts of our existence. Exploring all that makes us uncomfortable, angry, fearful, sad, hateful, jealous and guilt ridden; so that all can be healed and eradicated from the depth of our soul self. It is then that we are comfortable in the silence of our thoughts and murmurs. Through this process we become free to live again, to love and forgive, to grow and transform and finally to care enough to share the love and the light. Healing hugs of the meditating valley of flowers. Love from the sounds of silence.

The intentions are right, the affirmations divine, the attraction the same, the magnetism growing and the healing action sublime. Just stay and heal to relax and invite auspicious contentment into your aura and your destiny.

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