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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (February 22)


Message of the Day – By Renooji


We are all warriors of the light, that same light that we have invited into our hearts, making us noble in nature and aristocratic in our healing process. Ideally a healer’s role in society is one of being prepared to share the light equally between all the souls who touch our lives and hearts. We must consider our role as one of helping others, and uplifting all the people in every possible way. There are also those who are fully satisfied and willing to sacrifice their lives for the country and the well being of other souls. The understanding that happiness expands with the inclusion of others in our own happiness leads us to become conscious of grace and good fortune. As our ego self is healed sufficiently, we come to the realisation that material gifts can be enjoyed only temporarily. The intellectual knowledge is superficial. The final understanding is that spiritual wisdom takes us to the depth of personal willingness to acknowledge the Divine. Healing hugs of deep contemplation. Love from the spiritually wise in this realm.


Heal this chakra-

The five pointed star chakra under our feet and in the body of Mother Earth- In our social system, the most likely activation is the work of the soul to create strength in the body. Here we come to the realisation that the human intelligence becomes our best friend.

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