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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (March 12)


Message of the day

Fortunes Favourites!

In contrast to the behaviour of the human race, healers the world over have immense moments of joy in their daily interactions. Rejoicing in the act of giving and receiving the light. Complete nourishment is evident in their eyes, as the gaze is filled with the light of gratitude and reciprocation. People the world over are very impressed by the generosity and good will that a healer carries in the heart. It is this heart of the healer and the mindfulness which also allows the energy to grow stronger. Stop, see and spiritually enhanced, equally share with one and all. Ask yourself in this moment- “Am I negative?”
I can answer this for you right now! Yes, sometimes. But remember that you are fortunate and favourite. There is a great deal of positive in all our auras and we have to keep connecting to our fortunes to down load our favourite positive pastimes to improve our karmic resonance. It is this that helps us change our consciousness through healing the self, and in complete awareness using the favourite healing methods to spread the light of plentiful ness. Using the energy to protect and heal in the now, let’s heal on.
Healing hugs from the fortunate people. Love from the group of collective oneness.

Reading this-
It heals my heart chakra.

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