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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (May 19)


Message of the Day – By Renooji



It is always extremely fascinating to contemplate on the healing disciplines of Reiki, The KQ Force, and My Golden Cloud. The interplay between the great presence of the light, and the equally important healers using these modalities of healing in togetherness or independently. It is sometimes important to see to it that the methods are followed in alignment with the way they are taught. If the people and society is to be uplifted, then the crucial time to begin this transformation is during the self healing process, and in the meditations. Taking time to reflect on the needs of the other. Children need spiritual and moral values and showing them life through the healing process brings happiness to all those who are seeking. Without neglecting the importance of all the methods, concentrate today on developing your own abilities. Above all is the ability to concentrate on healing the self and the world around you. Absorbing the light and regaining clarity and courage to approach the exalted light, remain to heal with gratitude in the heart. Healing hugs to regain strength. Love from the healing heart of all who are grounded.
Renooji/ Divvya.

Heal the heart of the people.
The code of spiritual ethics influences us to use the material and spiritualised energies descending to heal all those around us and live our life with happiness and joy. Let’s begin.

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