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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (May 28)

Become independent in the thought and generous in the heart. We do not have to be heavenly or angelic in our approach to healing with the light.


Message of the Day – By Renooji


“Super Natural!“

We all should come forward to give to all those that we have decided to give to from the heart and not because we are being compelled to give. Become independent in the thought and generous in the heart. We do not have to be heavenly or angelic in our approach to healing with the light. It has to be done in a spontaneous generosity. It is often said that we have not lived fully today unless we have not done something for someone who can never repay us back. As life’s most pertinent and important question for all of us is …” what healing are you doing for others?”…… it is seen that all those people who have willingly healed others without being asked are the ones who have made room in their lives for wonder, wisdom, well being and healing. Never doubt that it is the smallest group of healers diligently healing who are going to change the world. If nature has made you a healer, know that your heart and your hands are always full of the light. The most opulently placed are those who are silently healing; free of reward or praise. Healing hugs of affection. Love from the lake of generous appreciation.
Renooji/ Divvya.

Heal the obsessions.
The code of spiritual ethics influences us to use the material and spiritualised energies descending to heal all those around us and live our life with happiness and joy. Let’s begin.

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