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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (April 12)

You are likely to find simpler ways to create a space of excellence for a few more days so that there is no change in your financial inflow.


1. Aries

“There will be an elder member of your family who will need your presence and your personal desires will be fulfilled and appreciated by the grace of wisdom and cherished you will move on. Evaluate where you are and fix a meeting to get proper feedback.”

2. Taurus

“Remain open in your conversations and it could be the beginning of a great new relationship. Even though you are living well, and working hard for a great life, prayers and chanting are moving you to share time and money with loved ones, who are present but still waiting to get a nod from you.”

3. Gemini

“Through a time of long term growth and change, it is time that you move ahead and gently achieve excellence in all spheres of life and future happiness. Let go of a relationship that you have outgrown. You seem to be feeling better and full of strength and joy.”

4. Cancer

“Harbouring some hidden wealth and prosperity that is coming up with news that gladdens your heart. An unexpected visitor brings you some information that makes you do some great work that is recognised. Allowing the other to do the work for you is upsetting your ethos.”

5. Leo

“You will bring in control and order, which will be a great opportunity for your future journey forward with the light of wisdom. Hang on to the work and move on the next level with confidence. You are going to be very successful. Don’t create confrontation today as eventually you will be the one to back off.”

6. Virgo

“You must not allow even a misunderstanding to begin as it could eventually be detrimental to your health. A friend understands you and helps you to walk away from conflict and confusions. There could be a financial dispute or expectation that leads to heartache at the end of the day.”

7. Libra

“You will be travelling through a new city and wellness centre with your spiritual wisdom will put you in an environmentally supportive space. Just be patient and control your acid tongue. You will be amazed by what you hear and what people unknown will do to make life enjoyable.”

8. Scorpio

“You feel that you may be pursuing a path that is full of obstacles but you will be supremely rewarded with success in life situations. Changes in your attitude help others to achieve as well. The unexpected could slow you down today. The best is to ask questions and find solutions. A discussion could help erase the problems and create a completely new situation to pursue.”

9. Sagittarius

“There can be some more emotional misunderstandings about your relationships with others and people who love you unconditionally will also confuse you with financial issues. You might need to slow down your pace of work to help the family resolve conflict. Connect to study and academic pursuits to stay on top of things.”

10. Capricorn

“You are likely to spend time away from home to find some peace and quiet. Your ability to communicate what is on your mind is not easy. Just stay silent, it is the best policy. Consult others but you have to be optimistic about all offers that come your way today. Refuse to use money and seniority to show that you are the boss.”

11. Aquarius

“Utilise the day to multitask and complete your responsibilities and wellness for your journey ahead will be fructifying good karma. You are likely to find simpler ways to create a space of excellence for a few more days so that there is no change in your financial inflow. You will discover a new way to deal with others who will be rewarded financially for participating in your project.”

12. Pisces

“You will be surprised by how much collective effort comes together and how much you will accomplish. You are always being pressurised to put in more effort and work hard. Your performance even though of a high level will go unnoticed today. Gather your wits and make sure that there is no scope of being manipulated by someone who lives with you and loves you.”

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