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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (April 7)


1. Aries

“Allow the congregation of likeminded people to inspire you towards social work. And finally at the end of the day you will be satisfied with all that you have achieved. A friendly neighbour pampers you and you feel completely loved.”

2. Taurus

“Pattern your day in accordance with the necessity of completion of all your responsibilities. Your laziness could overtake your mental intent, but you need to not take a back seat for now. There are huge reserves of finances that you need to plan well for. Continue to stay calm and relax at the end of the day.”

3. Gemini

“A very important person in your life could be dissatisfied by your attention. The zone of intellect that you are delving into is giving you a luxurious intelligence that leave you feeling satisfied. Creative people will bring bonhomie and togetherness into your life to energise your responsibility to continue to create your own business.”

4. Cancer

“You need to rally around to complete your responsibilities at work and at home, so that the feeling of satisfaction and reliability is a permanent energy in your aura. A new energy is seen entering your aura which leaves you feeling comfortable and happy.”

5. Leo

“A taste of wellness and joy will help you comfort a family member but refrain from giving loans as there is a slim chance of return. Rejoice as some of you could be undertaking a pilgrimage. Spiritually you are well versed with the heart choices and desires but you could end up with a wrong decision. There could also be an addition to the family.”

6. Virgo

“Notified authorities could be sending you a legal document that sets you back financially. The pinkish orange light is restoring you to a level of new fitness and you will put your heart into all you do. Resourceful and creative will be the energies that you bring to your team.”

7. Libra

“Refrain from bringing your traumas and tragedies out in the open, as storytelling will not be a pastime pattern for today. Construct a different environment and regime for you to continue to work in tandem with your family supporting you and your life goals. Make exceptions for your self but remain determined to continue.”

8. Scorpio

“Gently persuade family members to stay away from negative thought and negative action. Your week ahead is riddled with unforeseen problems and circumstances that could be stressful for you personally. Justice will be meted out but you are being impatient and that could be detrimental for the family.”

9. Sagittarius

“There has been a sentiment of great ability to conform to what others need from you, but somehow you will break free of this control. Continue to help the elders in the family as you are capable of assisting them. Unconditionally accepting your loved one’s behaviour and needs, leaves you feeling fulfilled.”

10. Capricorn

“Challenges will be less than you expected. The pattern of continuous progress is a great journey with the Divine wisdom unfolding. Relax and enjoy. There will be fun and novel negotiations for a property that will help the future investments in the next business plan or venture. Be strong when it comes to standing up for the future.”

11. Aquarius

“An amazing centre of comfort and happiness is what you are searching for. You will be suitably rewarded by the betterment of life and prosperity. Finances definitely grow and take you towards a stronger space of sharing resources and information from a place of trust, contributing to your financial future in a positive way.”

12. Pisces

“Confronting misinformation is challenging but in the process inspiring change and respect with others ready to cherish you. Take heart and start doing things for others as well. Financial investments will bring huge returns and this will lead to success and greater prosperity for the family.”


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