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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (November 22)

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

Aura Guidance for 22.11.2021 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries

“Changing the clock is not of paramount importance. You ramping around will definitely put others’ hackles up. A deal involving a lot of money could be held up. Stay focused on your finances and your life goals to correct your relationships with happiness and adventure. Moving property and financial resources will continue to inspire you to work hard.”


“Just be patient as things are only getting better. You brilliantly take things ahead in the morning in the middle of a meeting and show your true metal. Things are going better for you at work than you expect. Blessings of an elder will bring you to a zone of exploring more education and spearheading for your future financial investments.”

3. Gemini

“Efforts will be made and choices that you make will give you a very strong indication to be able to accomplish what you bargained with. There will be a business transaction that leaves you feeling very supported by financial wellness and grace of the elders. Property buying could be a good investment for many of you.”

4. Cancer

“You are intuitive when it comes to others but when it comes to doing things in a better way for yourself, you are at a loss. Your enthusiasm meets with great success to make a negative situation very positive. Corrected in your attitude, grateful for the opportunity, you will be excellent in a public speaking event.”

5. Leo

“You are in an aggressive mood and cannot be controlled by someone trying to keep the upper hand. Stay balanced, improve your communication skills and know that you are experiencing your success with your life goals in complete view. Spearhead a strong movement of happiness and joy for a family reunion. Enjoy time in togetherness.”

6. Virgo

“Today your challenge is to collectively put things together for global good and still be available for the betterment of life and success for your family. Despair and a feeling that your life is going deeply wrong will make you feel disgusting and in the eyes of the world loved and abandoned. Continue to be strong.”

7. Libra

“Relationships with your work colleagues will be happy but the situation at home needs a lot more work to be done. Before daybreak you will have to push yourself on your path of success. Children and their academic pursuits leave you feeling worried. Be warned not to take life complacently and see to it that there should be a strong sense of responsibility and complete all tasks.”

8. Scorpio

“Your flexible attitude and your wit and intelligence quotient fully form a new style of work and the people will truly appreciate your effort. You are mysteriously so carefree, yet people around you will want to get into your sober and light hearted mood to enjoy the evening with you. There will be some sibling rivalry.”

9. Sagittarius

“Consolidate your finances with the family and know that you should not allow yourself to be manipulated. You will have a first glimpse of your power today and this could lead you to becoming arrogant in your response. Begin to understand the power of your spiritual practice and walk the path of surrender and healing.”

10. Capricorn

“Meditation and healing help you project your thoughts together to inspire your creativity to flow. Your traditions and your reputation will help for your future financial progress. As there are many plans in your head for your work, it is best to share them with someone you trust as there is a great synergy to progress in togetherness.”

11. Aquarius

“To turn dreams to reality, a lot of work needs to be done. You will be happy to help resolve the issues with your family and supporting your finances with the blessings, there is nothing you will allow to stand in the way. Continue to be part of a bigger team and a bigger plan to remain satisfied with all that you achieve.”

12. Pisces

“Your great versatility is going to make this a day to remember. You are surely going to believe that your destiny unfolding in your spiritual consciousness will manifest happiness but are you looking for that way of loving others that they don’t understand and for that matter, they don’t understand you either.”

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