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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (October 13)

13.10.2023 Healing Enthusiasm! Healing chakras. Be the light Frontiers. Allow Love to spread. Improving the resonance of our world depends on us, as we radiate the consciousness and desires. Individually we make our universe a better place as we make a collective sound through our thoughts and conversations in our universe . We become tuning …

Numerology - Astrology

Healing Enthusiasm!
Healing chakras.
Be the light Frontiers.
Allow Love to spread.

Improving the resonance of our world depends on us, as we radiate the
consciousness and desires. Individually we make our universe a better place as we
make a collective sound through our thoughts and conversations in our universe .
We become tuning forks and very powerful tools to collect and distribute information.
Imprints and memories play an important role in our life journey, and lead us through
the tunnels of light to recreate our auric fields. We all act as magnets to collect
information, both harmonious and disharmonious. We become strong broadcasters
and in our frequencies, we resonate with all that we want to share and all we seek.
We all pull information from each other and sync our vibrations and frequencies to
align with the best. Use this moment to share the light with intelligence and heal all.
Healing hugs of energetic light. Love from the human biofeedback from the universe.

The healing soul depends on the heart of an harmonic resonance that is an
individual sound that is our own personal signature coming down through lifetimes .
A composition that is personal by Divine design. Let’s dip into this reservoir of