New Delhi: Tata is set to launch the much-awaited Tata Altroz DCT in India on Monday i.e March 21. The company has decided to unveil the popular hatchback Altroz in an automatic option. Booking for the car is also open and it can be booked at the company’s authorised dealership, or online, at a token amount of Rs 21,000.
The delivery of the car will begin after the launch of the car.
Tata Altroz DCT engine detail
Tata Altroz DCT will be offered with the 1.2-litre three-cylinder naturally aspirated petrol engine. It is paired with a new 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox. It is reported that the engine will produce 86hp and 111Nm of peak torque with the manual gearbox. The details of the DCT gearbox will be revealed at the time of launch. However, The car is expected to produce more power with DCT combination.
Tata Altroz DCT features
The infotainment of Tata Altroz DCT is likely to be bigger than the current 7.0-inch screen as the makers have reduced the bezel. Tata will offer the Altroz DCT on the XT, XZ, XZ+ and Dark Edition variants. The Dark Edition will usual all-black treatment on the exterior and interior front.
Tata Altroz DCT automatic to compete against Hyundai, Maruti cars
Upon lunch, Tata Altroz DCT automatic will face recently launched Toyota Glanza AMT, Honda Jazz CVT, Maruti Suzuki Baleno, and Hyundai i20 DCT.
The price of Tata Altroz DCT could be set between Rs 8 lakh to 9.5 lakh. If you look at Hyundai i20 DCT, it starts from Rs 8,76,600.