New Delhi: On Monday, April 24, at 3 p.m., the Kerala state lottery department will hold a lucky drawing for Win-Win W-716. The drawing is scheduled to be at Gorky Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram, near Bakery Junction. The first prize winner is going to get Rs 75 lakh, while the second prize winner will earn Rs 5 lakh and the third prize winner will take Rs 1 lakh. Independent judges will oversee the draw.
Below are the guessing numbers for Kerala WIN WIN W-716 Lottery:
7058 7085 7508 7580
7805 7850 0758 0785
0578 0587 0875 0857
5708 5780 5078 5087
5870 5807 8705 8750
8075 8057 8570 8507
Types of Kerala State Weekly Lotteries:
There are a total of seven Kerala state weekly lotteries. Chronologically, they are – Pournami, Win-Win, Sthree Sakthi, Akshaya, Karunya Plus, Nirmal, and Karunya. There are also some state bumper lotteries that includes, Christmas New Year Bumper, Summer Bumper, Vishu Bumper, Monsoon Bumper, Thiruvonam Bumper, Pooja Bumper.
Process for drawing Kerala Lottery Numbers:
The Kerala lottery is well-known and respected for its trustworthy and transparent methods. The lottery drawings are held in front of a panel of judges and public authorities, making sure it is done with complete fairness and impartiality. The findings are then made public on the official website and in several media, leaving no opportunity for question or confusion.
Details on how to check WIN WIN W-716 lottery result:
The Kerala State Lotteries Department publishes lottery results on its official web page. At 3:00 PM today, the Kerala Win Win W 716 Lottery Result will be released. The Kerala lottery results are also published in the Kerala Government Gazette.
Lottery winners have 30 days from the date of the draw to return their winning tickets to the corporation. You will not get your prizes if you refuse to give up the ticket.
How to claim the prize amount?
Participants of the Win Win W-716 lottery must check the Kerala lottery results released in the Kerala Government Gazette in order to verify their winning tickets. If they discover their ticket number in the released gazette, they must go to the Kerala lottery office in Thiruvananthapuram with the winning ticket and identity evidence within 30 days to collect the reward.