New Delhi: Dice is a tricky cube with six numbers written on its six faces. While one can play various board games like Ludo, Snake and Ladders, Business, and many more, with a dice, a dice can do a lot more. Dice involve mathematics and probability, but if you know some basic tricks, dice can be your friend.
One dice is enough to do some tricks, imagine what one can do with three dice. If you love some maths and like to solve tricky puzzles, here is one for you.
Aman threw three dice on a table, added the numbers that turned up and wrote them on paper. He then picked two dice out of the three at random. He added the numbers on the opposite face of these dice to the sum previously obtained. He threw these two dice again and added the numbers that turned up to the new sum.
What do you need to answer?
How can you guess the total sum?
Add the numbers turned up at last and add 14 to it.
Let x, y and z be the numbers that turn up in a throw of three dice. Suppose the two dice picked were facing y and z. So the numbers opposite to them will be (7-y) and (7-z). So, the sum here becomes x+y+z+(7-y)+(7-z) = x+14. Let the numbers coming up, when the dice are thrown again, be a and b. Now, the final sum will be x+14+a+b. The final throw depicts x, a and b on top so the final sum is equal to the sum of numbers turned up + 14.