New Delhi: The nominations for the Academy Award 2022 were announced on Tuesday. It will be the 94th year of the Academy Awards which will be taking place on March 27, 2022 at Dolby Theatre at the Hollywood & Highland Center. This time, Jai Bhim, unfortunately, did not get nominated under any category.
So far, three Indian films have received approval in the Best International Feature Films category at the Oscars namely Mother India, Salaam Bombay!, and Lagaan. However, there are lesser-known Indian films that have Oscar nominations/wins:
Here are the top five films that got Oscar nominations/wins:
Writing with Fire: Nominated in Documentary Feature Category in 2022
Directed by Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh, the documentary has been nominated in the Documentary Feature category of the Oscars 2022. Apart from Writing with Fire, Ascension, Attica, Flee and Summer of Soul also got nominated. The documentary focuses on Khabar Lahariya, a newspaper from the Bundelkhand region, which is run by a Dalit woman. Besides, the documentary received awards at the Sundance Film Festival.
The White Tiger: Nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay
In the Oscars 2021, The White Tiger got nominated for the best-adapted screenplay. Featuring Priyanka Chopra, Rajkummar Rao, and Adarsh Gourav, the film is adapted from a novel by the same name, written by Aravind Adiga. The film was directed by Ramin Bahrani who also wrote the screenplay. The movie lost to The Father.
Little Terrorist: Nominated for Best Live action short films
The film was nominated at the 77th Academy Awards for the best live action short films. The movie was released in 2004 and was directed by Ashvin Kumar, son of renowned fashion designer, Ritu Kumar. The movie narrates the repercussions after a Pakistani Muslim boy named Jamal crosses the border mistakenly while fetching a ball and becomes friends with a Hindu boy Bhola.
Smile Pinki: Won at 81st Academy Award
Directed and produced by Meghan Mylan, the documentary received the Best Documentary (Short Subject) trophy at the 81st Academy Award. The 39-minute-long film narrates the story of Pinki Sonkar, a six-year-old girl who has a cleft lip. Later, she meets a social worker who helps her get her deformity corrected. The film was made in Bhojpuri and Hindi.
An Encounter with Faces: Nominated at 51st Academy Award
Directed by the now-renowned director, Vindu Vinod Chopra, An Encounter with Faces got nominated for Best Documentary (Short Subject) at the 51st Academy Award. Produced by KK Kapil, the film won the award at the Tampere Film Festival under the Grand Prix category. The movie is available on YouTube.