New Delhi: Akshay Kumar on Wednesday surprised his fans with a short teaser of his upcoming film ’ Mission Raniganj’. He not only shared the teaser but what caught everyone’s attention was a slight change in the title of the film. Amid the ongoing debate over changing the name of our Country from India to Bharat, the actor too replaced the title of the film from Mission Raniganj: The Great Indian Rescue with Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue.
The caption of the post describes the impossible achieved by a man in 1989. Do Watch the story of Bharat’s true hero with# Mission Raniganj in cinemas on 6th October.
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He also shared with his fans that the film’s teaser will be unveiled on Thursday, September 7. The Bharat v/s India debate started When the invitation of President Draupadi Murmu to the Head of States and chief Ministers for an official banquet during the G-20 Summit in New Delhi as in the invitation the word India was replaced by Bharat.
About the film
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The film is based on the real life incident happened in Raniganj coalfield in 1989. Akshay Kumar will be seen portraying the role of late Shri Jaswant Singh Gill, who played the significant in rescuing the surviving miners trapped inside the flodded coalmine.
This rescue drama is helmed by Rustom director Suresh Desai and backed by Vashu and Jackky Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment, also features Parineeti Chopra. While the teaser of the film was dropped on Thursday, the film is set to hit the theatres on October 6.