New Delhi: Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan created a stir on social media with his latest post, in which he wrote – ‘Arrested’. And, the image attached with the caption showed Big B standing beside a police van leaving his fans to believe that he has been arrested for violating road traffic rules.
The puzzling Instagram post by the actor sent his fans into a tizzy, as a couple of them believed it to be true and started commenting.
Amitabh Bachchan, despite in his late seventies, is always high on wits & humour and never disappoints his fans. This Insta post is a classic example of his humourous side.
The Big B recently got embroiled into a controversy after he rode pillion on a bike to work, without wearing a helmet. He also shared a caption & photo about the same and informed his fans that he took the step to escape the traffic snarl of Mumbai.
Big B took to Instagram on Friday and shared a photo thanking the bike owner for giving him a lift. He thanked him for giving him a lift and helping him reach work on time.
This elicited heartfelt reactions from netizens who showered love on the actor for his dedication, however, many called for action against him for violating traffic regulations. Many of Twitter users criticized the actor and tagged Mumbai police seeking action against him.
The Mumbai Police swiftly responded to the public outcry, assuring citizens that a fine had been issued to the rider for violating traffic rules.
Challan has been issued u/s 129/194(D) of MV ACT along with fine of Rs 1000 & it is been paid by the offender.
— Mumbai Traffic Police (@MTPHereToHelp) May 16, 2023