New Delhi: Veteran actor Ashish Vidyarthi married Rupali Barua for the second time in a small registry wedding. The pair apparently married in a Kolkata club, and photos from the wedding quickly went viral on the internet. At 60, the actor is embarking on a new chapter in his life with fashion entrepreneur Rupali Barua.
In the viral photos, Ashish is dressed as a groom in a Mundu, while Rupali wears an Assamese Mekhela Chador, symbolising their various cultures in their attire and traditions. Rupali accessorised with gold jewels inspired by South Indian temple art.
However, the newlywed couple has been receiving mixed reactions from social media users. Some are quite impressed with the step taken by both of them at this age, whereas some have expressed negative thoughts about the couple with memes and comments.
Check out some of the twitter reactions below:
Congratulations to 60 years old actor Ashish Vidyarthi who got married second time. Kucch to Sharam Kar lete Bhaisaab!
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 25, 2023
According to Hindu marriage act #AshishVidyarthi can’t marry again, while his first wife is alive. So he must have changed his religion to get married again like Dharam Ji and Mahesh Bhatt. So can someone tell me, what is his new name Now?
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 26, 2023
Why #AshishVidyarthi who is age 60 is being trolled for marrying #RupaliBarua who is age 50. Both are single.
Better appreciate them..— Sunaina Bhola (@sunaina_bhola) May 26, 2023
#AshishVidyarthi (60) married a 33 yo. When women are trolled for marrying a younger guy, liberal-feminists outrage that it won’t happen if the roles were reversed. This tells us they don’t know how this sick world works, thus their opinions shouldn’t be trusted #आशीषविद्यार्थी
— Conserve the left (@killmeifitsok) May 26, 2023
Ashish Vidyarthi bc?
— Pulkit?? (@pulkit5Dx) May 25, 2023
दुनिया विद्यार्थी समझती रही…बंदा गुरु निकल गया। #AshishVidyarthi
— Abhinav Abhi (INDIA TV) (@Aapka_Abhi) May 26, 2023
Ashish Vidyarthi 60
Rupali Barua 50
It’s their second marriage wish them both a happy married life..Now those who are trolling them for age gap to them go to 14/15 hundreds year ago with a time machine and be the witness of a marriage that held between a 56 years old male and 6…
— ?? Indrani ?? (@Anti_Congressi) May 26, 2023
60 साल की उम्र में आशीष विद्यार्थी ने 33 साल की लड़की से शादी कर ली समाज चुटकी लेने लगा भद्दे मजाक शुरू हो गए अश्लील कमेंट्स आने लगे
शादी की ह बलात्कार थोड़ी न किया जो आप इश्यू बना रहे शादी तो मैच्योर लोगों का एक साथ जिंदगी बिताने का फैसला ह बिताने दीजिए उनको#AshishVidyarthi— इलेक्शन ऑफ़िसर ? (@L0VE_U_0YE) May 26, 2023
Ashish Vidyarthi is a national award-winning actor best known for his appearances in ‘Aligarh’ and ’24:India’. On the work front, he was most recently featured in the famous web series ‘Rana Naidu,’ and he will next be seen in the spy thriller ‘Khufiya,’ directed by Vishal Bhardwaj. Before that, he had tied the knot to Rajoshi Barua, the daughter of actor Shakuntala Barua. Arth Vidyarthi, the couple’s son, was born.
Rupali is a Guwahati-based fashion entrepreneur. She has a fashion boutique in Kolkata, and Ashish has been uploading vlogs from the city to his YouTube page. Rupali described Ashish as a ‘wonderful human being with a great soul’.