New Delhi: The 41-year-old actor Deepesh Bhan Famous for his role as Malkhan in the daily soap ‘Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai’ passed away on Saturday. The show is telecasted on &TV. The channel also shared the tragic news on the official Instagram account. It is reported that the actor collapsed while playing cricket.
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The channel shared the news with a photo, ”We will always miss you. It is very sad that you suddenly left us. You have a special place in our hearts and you always be remembered for your played roles.”
The news was first confirmed by actor Kavita Kaushik on her social media accounts. She wrote on Twitter that Bhan was a fit guy and he never drank and smocked or did anything to harm his health.
”In shock, gutted, pained with the news of Deepesh Bhan passing away at the age of 41 yesterday, a very important cast member in f.i.r, Was a fit guy who never drank/smoked or did anything to harm his health, left behind a wife n one-year-old child and parents and us all,” read the tweet of Kavita Kaushik.
In shock, gutted ,pained with the news of Deepesh Bhan passing away at the age of 41 yesterday, a very important cast member in f.i.r , Was a fit guy who never drank/smoked or did anything to harm his health, left behind a wife n one year old child and parents and us all ??
— Kavita Kaushik (@Iamkavitak) July 23, 2022
Deepesh Bhan’s television industry career
Deepesh Bhan was born in New Delhi on May 11, 1981, to a middle-class family. He started his television career by playing small comedy characters in TV shows. He earned a lot of popularity for this role on SAB TV’s popular comedy show F.I.R. In this Kavita Kaushik played the lead role.
During this career, Bhan also worked in the show like ”Comedy ka King Kaun”, ”Comedy Club”, ”Bhootwala”, ”F.I.R”, ”Champ” and ”Sun Yaar Chill Maar”.
Check how people reacted on social media on the death of Deepesh Bhan below here:
”Absolutely shocked & heartbroken to know this fine actor #DeepeshBhan has passed away. Reportedly, he collapsed while playing cricket. He was taken to hospital where doctors declared him dead. He was 41. His comic timing was epic. Gone too soon,” wrote a user on Twitter.
Absolutely shocked & heartbroken to know this fine actor #DeepeshBhan has passed away. Reportedly, he collapsed while playing cricket. He was taken to hospital where doctors declared him dead. He was 41. His comic timing was epic. Gone too soon??
— Aavishkar (@aavishhkar) July 23, 2022
You will be missed Brother #deepeshbhan #BhabhijiGharParHain
ॐ शांति ?— राजीव कर्ण (Rajeev Karn)?? (@karnrajiv) July 23, 2022
This is unbelievable…One of my favourite in bhabhi ji ghar p h??. Om Shanti…#malkhan #deepeshbhan #bhabhijigharph #firepisode
— Nishant Raghav(Nishu) (@4024848) July 23, 2022
Gonna miss this duo. You the best!
Rip#DeepeshBhan— Ayush Bisht (@okayayush) July 23, 2022
I still can’t believe it ??..#malkhan #BhabijiGharParHain #deepeshbhan #AndTv
— SUNIL BEHERA?? (@itssunilbehera) July 23, 2022
It’s sad to hear , but We’re not gonna see this Tika-Malkhan legendary duo back again ???#OmShanti to Deepesh Bhan #deepeshbhan #malkhan
— Sumit Kallurkar (@sumit_kallurkar) July 23, 2022