New Delhi: Chiranjeevi’s latest movie, “Bhola Shankar,” directed by Meher Ramesh, has released today in theaters. The film features Tamannaah Bhatia and Keerthy Suresh in the lead roles. Fans of the megastar eagerly rushed to watch the First Day First Show of Bholaa Shankar in theatres. However, it seems that the movie hasn’t met the high expectations. The film is receiving mixed response from the viewers.
Many moviegoers took to social media to share their reviews of Bhola Shankar. While fans are thrilled to see Chiranjeevi on the big screen, some have pointed out that the film lacks a compelling story and direction. The highlight of the film has been Chiranjeevi’s performance, his charisma, and his screen presence reminiscent of his earlier days. However, it appears that the Telugu remake didn’t impress the audience.
Reactions on Twitter
Criticising the movie an user wrote,”#BholaShankarReview – Mega Cringe Fest M9 Rating: 1.75/5#BholaShankar is a stale project from the word go, and it remains that way from the start to the end. First half is cringe loaded, whereas the second bores one to death.”
#BholaShankar Review – Mega Cringe Fest
M9 Rating: 1.75/5#BholaShankar is a stale project from the word go, and it remains that way from the start to the end. First half is cringe loaded, whereas the second bores one to death. #BholaShankarReview
— Varma Salaar 🦖 (@Ravi60478244) August 11, 2023
Advising Chiranjeevi, an user wrote,”Overall not at all engaging. Wrong choice from Chiru …. Meher 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ #BholaShankar”
#BholaShankarReview @ Overall not at all engaging. Wrong choice from Chiru …. Meher 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ #BholaShankar
— AttitudekaBaap (@Batasari786) August 11, 2023
#BholaShankar – Not upto expectations
NB Rating – ⭐️⭐️/5
Iconic scenes of #Vedalam were removed in the Telugu remake.#BholaShankarReview
— Cinema Bugz (@news_bugz) August 11, 2023
#BholaShankar #BholaaMania #BholaShankarReview #prediction#Meharramesh #Chiranjeevi #Tamannaah #KeerthySuresh
Bhola Shankar Review Analysis
Overall Review =2.5/5😓👎
Flash Back =3/5
Songs/Bgm =2.75/5
Performances =3/5
Climax =2.75/5
Elevation Scenes =3/5
— GenuineReviewMovies (@Geniunereview) August 11, 2023
#BholaShankarReview – Rating: ⭐️⭐️
Remaking 2015’s #Vedalam should’ve led to an upgrade, yet Meher Ramesh’s renowned stylish touch disappoints, resulting in a lackluster film.
No convincing scenes, First-half is a total let-down. Second-half has only a 20 minute engaging…
— Gulte (@GulteOfficial) August 11, 2023
#BholaaShankar Review
1. #MegastarChiranjeevi
2. 1-2 Action ScenesNEGATIVES:
1. Direction & Screenplay
2. Comedy
3. Recreation of old movies scenes#MeherRamesh, please watch your movie before saying the original cringe😶#BholaShankarReview #BholaaShankarReview— Kumar Swayam (@KumarSwayam3) August 11, 2023
#BholaShankar First Half Report:
Not Up to the mark.🙆🙆
Routine First half 🙃🙃
No high Moments till now (Expect Boss)🤦
Comedy Not worked well.🤦#Meheramesh anna ekda anna ni mark ??🤔🤔#BholaaShankarOnAug11#Megastarchiranjeevi #BholaShankarreview #Bholashankarpublictalk— DEEPAK TALKS (SaiDeepak Mucharla) (@DeepakMucharla) August 11, 2023
Since his comeback in 2017, three out of six movies of #Chiranjeevi are remakes. This remake of Tamil film #Vedalam is also disappointing#BholaaShankar #BholaShankarReview #BholaaShankarDisaster
— Telangana Today (@TelanganaToday) August 11, 2023