New Delhi: Nandamuri Chaitanya Krishna’s 2023 crime-drama Breathe received a lukewarm public reception at the Box Office. Falling short in numerous departments, the movie became a huge disappointment for makers & concluded its BO run as a huge flop.
Now, after months since the end of its embarrassing theatrical journey, the filmmakers have finally unveiled the date of Breathe’s arrival on the digital platform & here are all the details you should know about the same.
Breathe movie OTT release
Leading South Indian streaming platform Aha Video has officially confirmed that Breathe will premiere on their platform on 8 March 2024. Announcing the same, Aha, on Monday, took to their official Instagram handle & shared an intriguing date reveal poster of the movie. In the caption of the post, Aha penned, “Intense thriller! Nandamuri chai ‘Breath’ on aha!!.”
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The confirmation of Breathe’s digital debut has once again reignited the audience’s curiosity about the movie and now everyone is excited to see if Nandamuri Chaitanya starrer bounces back by impressing the OTTians or not.
All About Breathe
Made under the direction of Vamsi Krishna Akella, Breathe stars Nandamuri Chaitanya Krishna, Rajiv Kumar Aneja, Jonas David, and Keshav Deepa in the lead roles.
Its story follows the failed assassination attempt of a political leader who gets hospitalized after collapsing during a game of golf. Following that, the lead protagonist teams up with an ace professor & sets off on a challenging mission to save the minister’s life and find out the perpetrator who tried to kill him.
The film was released bankrolled under the banner of Nandamuri Jayakrishna’s production house Basavatarakaram Creations on December 2, 2023.